Småbruk kvinner i landskap internasjonalt - Foto: Pixabay/Pexels

Peasant agroecology according to ECVC

European Coordination Via Campesina ønsker velkommen til dette webinaret om agroøkologi.

28. sep. 2022 - 14:00 - 16:00
European Coordination Via Campesina

Norsk Bonde- og Småbrukarlag er en del av den internasjonale småbrukerbevegelsen La Via Campesina (LVC). Vi sitter blant annet i styret i European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC). Dette arrangementet er i regi av ECVC.


In the context of the release of our latest publication Peasant agroecology according to ECVC, ECVC invites members, allies and policy makers to a webinar to explore and discuss its approach to peasant agroecology. In this webinar, ECVC wishes to develop its vision and policies proposals for a new paradigm, based on the respect of ecological boundaries, adapted to local growing conditions, farmer-to-farmer, intergenerational, and experiential learning processes, supporting the development of short food chains and focus on equality and emphasizes the importance of women, the youth, and systematically marginalised communities in production and the life of future generations. This will be accompanied by presentation of case studies by ECVC peasant members, showing the concrete applications of peasant agroecology in different local conditions, cultures, resources and practices, followed by an opportunity for questions and exchange.



14.00 : Introduction and presentation of the publication
14.20: Practical and political application according to the ECVC Agroecology Working Group
14.40: Presentation of two case studies led by ECVC Youth Articulation
15:20 : Q&A and exchange
15:55 : Closing remarks

Register for the webinar here. Interpretation will be provided in EN, ES and FR.


What is agroecology and why do we need it? The system of peasant agroecology is capable of offering solutions to the great environmental and socioeconomic challenges of our times, which does not only concern the agricultural sector but society as a whole. To face these challenges, ECVC defends food sovereignty through the development of sustainable food systems based on peasant agroecology. According to ECVC, peasant agroecology is not limited to a set of agricultural practices, but constitutes a living approach that looks to work with nature rather than against it. Peasant agroecology blends scientific and sociopolitical values and principles to guarantee the environmental and social sustainability of food systems. It is based on the collective rights of peasants’ and communities to autonomy, self-determination and access to resources such as land, water, seeds, etc. For this reason, the defense of peasants’ rights, recognised internationally in the UN Declaration of the Rights of Peasants and other people working in rural areas (UNDROP), must be a priority on the political agenda. In the current context of environmental, social, economic and agricultural crisis, peasant agroecology is not an option, but a necessity; it is the only system capable of achieving the goals for agriculture, climate and biodiversity set out by European institutions in the European Green Deal. To date, the EU have failed to provide sufficient mechanisms and tools to ensure a transition to sustainable food production, instead preferring to incentivise isolated practices linked to agroecology whilst maintaining an industrial and globalised system of food production that is unsustainable at its very core.



Marielle de Roos (Internasjonalt utvalg)